Dzemal Solo, General Manager At Carbon Friendly Enterprises, Personally Invited To Attend QODE 2019

Dzemal Solo, General Manager at Carbon Friendly Enterprises, was personally invited to attend QODE 2019, the largest innovation forum in the Southern Hemisphere in Brisbane on 2-3 April 2019 as part of a delegation travelling with Advance Queensland and the Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3).

QODE 2019 is a two-day technology and innovation conference showcasing regional innovations and providing a platform for entrepreneurs to exhibit, network and showcase their success stories.

Energy generation and storage was one of the key categories showcased at QODE 2019. Carbon Friendly Enterprises, a leader in the field, promoted their unique business model and received huge interest from attendees.

Advance Queensland is the innovation initiative of the Queensland Government and was launched in July 2015 to increase jobs and economic growth in Queensland. Advance Queensland administered $680 million of funding in 2018.

The Greater Whitsunday Alliance is an independent regional economic development body to represent and advocate for the collective Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday region. Its mission is to drive economic development and promotes livability in the region.

For more information please visit QODE 2019Advance Queensland or GW3.

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