CFE Work Ethics And Safety

Carbon Friendly Enterprises (CFE) has very effective Work Health & Safety and Quality Assurance processes

We establish strict quality control over the entire process from audit to final measurement and verification once the projects are complete ensuring our work is carried out safely with all required documentation in place.

Carbon Friendly Energy Work Ethics and Safety

Due to our vast experience in this field, Carbon Friendly Enterprises as industry leaders, provide the highest quality and best performing products in the market assuring a consistent solid return on investment.

We proud ourselves to set the benchmark by installing systems above the Australian and New Zealand Standard requirements, ensuring to provide high-performing infrastructure and long-term cost savings with minimal maintenance cost.

CFE has been delivering world class projects for over a decade with 100% success rate and over 3,922 days of installation with ‘ZERO’ Lost Time Injuries (LTI’s). Our more than 400 energy efficiency and solar electricity installations (>250 Megawatts) produce over 2.8 Gigawatt hours annually, removing 22 kilotons of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere annually.


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